Guided Meditations

Mindfulness is an active practice. Incorporating just a few minutes of mindful meditation during your day can have surprisingly impactful benefits. The key to successfully practicing mindfulness is being intentional. Mindfulness is not something that occurs without actively prioritizing being present in the moment. Check out these guided meditations and add mindfulness to your daily routine!

Mindful Moment Meditations



The Seasons Proceed, Regardless

What Creates Fog in your Life?

What is it that brings fog into your life? Is acceptance or action required?

What made it worth it to get out of bed today?

Notice what makes you excited to get out of bed each day.

Stepping into the Moments of our Lives

Step into using mindfulness as part of your daily life.


Enhance your wellbeing by creating boundaries for yourself.

Just Enough Time

Take "just enough" time to practice mindfulness and bring your mind back into the present moment.

Mindful Movement


Breathwork and Stability: Diaphragmatic Breathing

Optimize your deep breathing through focused Diaphragmatic Breathing.

Hip Hinge & Squats: Sit to Stand

Practice squat exercises to strengthen your everyday movement.

Two Minutes of Mindfulness


Moving Forward

Managing Expectations

More meditations to come shortly!

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